In this enchanting acrylic painting, a whimsical fantasy unfolds as a snail seeks refuge beneath a colossal amanita mushroom, sheltering from a gentle rain. Instead of a classic shell, the snail's home is transformed into a delicate glass bowl that reveals an astonishing secret. Within this miniature transparent globe, a second snail inhabits a captivating realm of its own. Perched atop a mushroom, the tiny snail gazes in awe at a crystal-clear night sky while being surrounded by fireflies. The juxtaposition of the sheltering snail and the celestial observer within the glass bowl creates a magical narrative. Is the snail daydreaming of a starry night sky while it's raining out, or is the snail within the shell a whole world of its own?
Rainy Night
Explore the versatility of this print with options available in various sizes, from small to large, catering to your specific preferences. Choose from a selection of materials, including a high gloss photo print, canvas, and aluminum metal. For a detailed understanding of these materials, I invite you to view my video showcasing their unique characteristics.
PLEASE NOTE: Some paintings are differently shaped than standard sized printing services I use. I will either crop the image to the best of my ability or adjust the size by a few inches to make sure nothing important is cropped. For example: Some of my works are 16"x24" and the classic size to print is 16"x20". If it doesn't crop out the highlights of the painting, I may choose to crop the 4 inches. Or if there is an important part of the painting being cut off, I may choose to search for an external printing service that can provide a special size and print the image on the 16"x24". Please be aware of these small changes!
Aluminum Metal: Experience the modern aesthetic with lightweight aluminum metal. It comes with a pre-mounted hanging fixture, ensuring easy placement on any wall. This option is not only visually striking but also easy to maintain.
Canvas: This print features canvas stretched over a classic standard frame, and it holds colors vividly. Built to last, it arrives ready to adorn your wall with a timeless and traditional appearance. Embrace the classic appeal that never goes out of style.
High Gloss Photo Print: Crafted from high-quality photo paper, this option radiates vibrant colors and a perfect shine. Affordable and adaptable.
Thank you for choosing my products/services. Please be aware that, unfortunately, I do not offer refunds as our products/services are considered final upon purchase. I encourage you to thoroughly review your order before completing the transaction. Should you have any inquiries or uncertainties about my offerings, please feel free to contact me. I am more than happy to assist you before you make a purchase. I appreciate your understanding and thank you for choosing my products/services.